The difference between enzymes and exozymes: Explaining our tech


Video transcript

En-zymes from inside and exo- from outside. So when the pathway is outside, it is an exozyme biosolution.

I remember as a kid when the farmer next door showed me how it was possible, if we were really careful, to take a branch from the pear tree, cut it exactly off the right way, and transplant it over to the apple tree. That if we took really good care and we knew what we were doing, that we could have the pear branch live and produce pears over on the apple tree. You could transport different versions between the different trees.

I found it fascinating. A similar fascination was when I started seeing how the computer was working. Like, how can you build with these things? And all of a sudden, starting to realize later on in life that biology is a form of technology. It's just technology that is not manmade. And to be completely frank, it's much more advanced than any technology built by man. It doesn't mean that when we are building the kind of technology we are building, that we can't be very inspired by how nature has done its solutions.

It's actually what we do fundamentally. We go out and we find places where nature is, for example, breaking down things from toxic things into non-toxic things, or one type of energy and chemical into another type.

So this is what the enzymes are doing. And to all of that inspiration, having access to all of that technology tech stack that nature is providing us, is what allows us to then go in the lab and say, okay, under much more precise circumstances, we are now designing and engineering with these bits and pieces.

So you already heard about enzymes, but let's just unpack what they are. They are small workhorses, small machineries that typically lives inside of a cell that does a certain enzymatic reaction or basically speeds up a chemical step.

So an enzyme is basically either breaking down, let's say sugar or starch or something else, into very specific building blocks. And other enzymes can then come and put them back together in very specific ways.

So they become the specific chemical or product that we want. So enzyme means in, and syme you can think of as a activation step. We specialize in taking these enzymatic pathways, that is multiple enzymes working in a production line outside of the cell.

We therefore call them exozymes, exo as outside, and again, these workflow steps. So the exozyme biosolutions we're building takes the best from nature inside of the cell, but steps it into an engineerable reality where we can be in control of and design-wise decide what we are building.

That's what we call exozyme biosolutions. So two concrete examples of what we have built is the biosolutions for isobutanol that can be used, for example, for sustainable aviation fuel. It's a way of taking sugars and starches, breaking it down to the building blocks that can then be put back together up to this high energy density molecule, isobutanol.

The other example is cannabinoids, where we, inspired by nature, are building cannabinoids that are either exactly as you can find them in nature in the rare versions that has medicinal use cases, or the new-to-nature cannabinoids that is basically taking the same pathway, but by feeding it different alcohol, different building blocks, it allows us to engineer new-to-nature cannabinoids.


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